Blueprint Playlist: Fold Paper

Blueprint Playlist: Fold Paper
feature image photo credit: Julio Assis

Hey, it's a brand new Blueprint Playlist—where I ask artists with new music out to share five-ish songs that have inspired or informed the songs in some way or another.

Fold Paper's new single hit my mailbox last week and I immediately began rubbing my hands together with maniacal glee...yes yessss...gnarly, serrated post-punk energy...let's goooooo....

Nothing To Report, by Fold Paper
track by Fold Paper

"Nothing To Report" is an invigorating blast of post-punk, fueled by dueling jabs of restless guitar. The Winnipeg-based band is led by Chell Osuntade, whose arch spoken vocals sketch a contentious but fruitful relationship between artist and audience: "Two open, one headline / The only future I’d agree to / 'Cause nothing fuels you better than my syncopated cadence." Before whisking up a final guitar bug-out, Osuntande dismisses the dismissers with an eye roll you can almost hear: "I'VE GOT NOTHING TO REPORT." Brb, I must pogo.

Okay back. Fold Paper just signed to Toronto label Royal Mountain Records and are about to hit the UK for a spring tour, so if you find yourself in that neck of the woods, go see 'em. Osuntande sent over five-ish songs that inspire Fold Paper's sound, right this way...

Fold Paper's Blueprint Playlist

Stuck - “Make It Up”
With Fold Paper being a band that claims the intention of being flexible, the Stuck album “Freak Frequency” is a massive guide to scratching the “egg-punk, dance-punk” itch. The whole album itself is a banger but, “Make It Up” really allows the nasty, grungy bass tone to shine though in the first bit of the song, which you’ll find also happens in "Nothing To Report." 

Unschooling - “Shopping On The Left Bank”
Unschooling was a big part of my delve into the angular post-punk world. They’ve gotta be number two in the scene for being able to syncopate both guitars and bass in a way that melts your brain. “Shopping On The Left Bank” specifically influenced another song that we have but I guess folks will have to wait a while to see what song that is. 

Palm - “Heavy Lifting”
Palm has GOT to be number ONE in the scene for being able to syncopate both guitars and bass in a way that melts your brain. I picked up a lot from them about how to stagger and layer the instruments to have the effect of everything trying to give you a sick melody or riff at the same time. I never got to see Palm before they ended, so that’s super sad.

Black Midi - “Reggae”
Black Midi was also at the start of my dive into the post-punk nature. Their first album Schlagenheim was a 90% no skip for me and “Reggae” lead the charge. Black Midi was (massive emphasis on “was” considering the rest of their discography) a great guide to feeling more comfortable with making our music very dissonant. 

Deeper - “Esoteric” 
Deeper was also at the forefront of my intro to post-punk, although, in a different way. They were a clear example that the genre is SUPER malleable, very subjective, and can frankly be whatever you say it to be. While the first four bands mentioned all have super dissonant qualities, Deeper takes us down a much cleaner, more accessible path. A path that still manages to keep you moving. While “Esoteric” is older in their discography, their new album “Careful!” is also magnificent. 

BONUS SONG: Unschooling - “Wet Sidewalks”
Just another Unschooling track cuzz I’m an Unschooling stan and I will always boost them. I mean listen to this song, my god. Just a dissonant oasis of melodies. 

Thank you Fold Paper! Listen to "Nothing To Report" and check out their link aggregation. And thanks for reading musicpulsestudios. If you like it, tell a friend about it.