omg a new Cheem song is out

Okay here's a band that I will not shut up about: Cheem! Cheem Cheem Cheem. Guilty Pleasure was one of my favorite records of 2022. I interviewed Sam Nazaretian and Skye Holden from the band for my newsletter last year (via a recommendation from my friend Jackie) and they were a delight to chat with. They talked about wanting to curate a "Disney Channel original movie vibe" with their music (you know, when there's a Disney Channel original movie and at the end, there's a fun party with a band playing and everyone's dancing and having a good time?), and the stress of getting roasted online for your personal fast food tier list (Sam: "I love some A&W and Cookout, and I have so many haters about it"). It was great. Since then I have recommended Cheem to several friends and at least one ex. I'm Cheem Street Team baby.
Anyway, they just released a new single called "Fake Fans" and after one play I'm 110% in. Cheem are so good at taking vocal melodies that sound like they could come from 1990s boy bands or 2000s emo bands and bringing them into a bubbling stew of eclectic rock genre hallmarks. There's singing, there's rapping, there are some bonkers basslines, there's a touch of math rock in the arrangement, there are some chord changes that make me go whaaaaaaa??? and riffs that make me go OHHHHHH, there are harmonies that take me straight back to the days of blasting NSYNC No Strings Attached in my Discman...and the production has the perfect gloss to it, positively addictive.

I'm not sure what Cheem are cooking up in their kitchen for this year but whatever happens, I am seated and ready. I think Coachella should book them (Coacheemlla...Cheemchella....). I think they should play the Sphere (the Spheem).
Also last November, Sam from the band released an electro-pop EP as Sam Nazz called It's All About Me that I really enjoyed, so if you are a chuggalo and want to expand your Cheemiverse, check that out.

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