music moots: Ashraf El Gamal
It's the day after Labor Day, I feel like a lost shaker of salt, and it's time to get back to Music Moots™. As a reminder, Music Moots is a blog series where I ask people I know, either from IRL or URL, to tell me
It's the day after Labor Day, I feel like a lost shaker of salt, and it's time to get back to Music Moots™. As a reminder, Music Moots is a blog series where I ask people I know, either from IRL or URL, to tell me
Okay this is a speedy blog - lightning fast - quick like a bunny. I'm getting a couch delivered today, it's a whole thing. But last night I got one of my favorite email notifications from Bandcamp: "New release from Blorpus Editions." HELL YEAH.
Here's a type of music I will never tire of: dark 'n' sexy rock and roll. I don't care where it comes from. I don't care what the song is about. If it sounds like it could soundtrack a gritty erotic thriller
The haters told me, "Molly, you can't go to three different musical events in three different Los Angeles zones in one day, plus get lunch in the neighborhood, AND do your laundry." The haters were so wrong. I awoke on Sunday with a surprising amount of
My TikTok "for u page" is very oriented toward electronic music. Lots of epic drops at various festivals, John Summit drinking Don Julio 1942, techno people in that yellow HÖR bathroom...recently I started seeing lots of clips from a New Zealand electronic dance music radio station called
To give you a behind the scenes peek at the musicpulsestudios blog mothership (aka me sitting at my computer), I have a board on Notion where I put my blog ideas, including music that I want to write about. Sometimes that music comes from individual recommendations, or people
My mission to get to know the various rock venues of the city of Los Angeles continues apace. The latest: Genghis Cohen, an NYC-style Chinese restaurant in West Hollywood with a listening room tucked away to the side. As I walked into the resto, the air within was redolent of
I went for a run on Friday and decided to put on the Apple Music "new music" algorithmic playlist. Bad blogger! Lazy! But sometimes it's just easier if Steve Jobs hand-picks and delivers the songs to you, all neatly wrapped in a bow. Certainly easier than
I went to see Barbie last night for the second time. As an AMC Stubs A-List member, this is an activity I can justify. My first Barbie viewing was during its opening week. It was an Event. Everyone was decked out in pink, giggling, sitting in large groups, vibrating with
Here is proof that even the most bird-brained internet takes can lead you to incredible places full of wonder and intrigue. A few weeks ago, there was an indie romance author who wondered aloud to her (presumably ascetic + bookish) audience on on Twitter whether it was morally correct to write
Had a treat in the mailbag today. By "mailbag" I mean my instagram DMs, and by a "treat" I mean a link to some new tunes from the band Fierce Invalids: tw i ste d / h ard li nes, by Fierce Invalids2 track albumFierce InvalidsBandcamp New
Ilithios are simply awesome. I interviewed them backstage at the kickass Brooklyn venue Our Wicked for The Alt a year ago and have been anticipating new recordings from them ever since (apparently their second album is nearly wrapped!). Their live presence is spellbinding: bandleader Manny Nomikos programs a sampler with