Three Music Thingz with Revival Season

Three Music Thingz with Revival Season

Hey hey hey, it's another rendition of Three Music Thingz, the blogseries where I ask musicians for three thingz that are essential to their music-making.

Today we're featuring Revival Season, an Atlanta-based rapper-producer duo (Brandon ‘BEZ’ Evans on the mic, Jonah Swilley [also of Mattiel] programming the beats) who put out an excellent debut album called Golden Age Of Self Snitching in February of this year.

Golden Age Of Self Snitching, by Revival Season
14 track album

I'm obsessed with this album. The music sometimes has a hard-edged UK rave sensibility, and sometimes leans more toward classic nod-yr-head hip hop; my favorites are "Last Dance," whose snappy guitar part sounds like old Bloc Party to me, and the sensational opener "Look Out Below," which has a dreamy extended intro that stomps itself into a moshworthy rager, with BEZ hammering home his instructions relentlessly: "Look out below, look out below / We pouring it out for the dead homies from the top floor, look out below."

I also saw Revival Season play at Zebulon a few months ago and had a blast. They were high energy, laser-focused. Wrote about that shit a little bit for a different blog post about my ENERGY IN / ENERGY OUT concert theory.

ENERGY IN / ENERGY OUT at the live show, baby
Be careful what you ask for Make sure it’s really what you want Because your mind is made for thinking And energy follows thought — Willie Nelson Last November, I interviewed both ISOxo and Knock2, best friends from San Diego who are rising together in the EDM scene, for The Alternative.

Jonah Swilley provided some simple and essential Thingz for the feature today...get into it...

  1. Drums.
    Rhythm runs my life.
  2. Hooks.
    The most memorable part(s) of music.
  3. Spirit.
    It’s the unique element in music that can’t be quantified by any skill or talent.

Thank u Revival Season! Listen to Golden Age of Self Snitching, it is seriously so good, and check out their link aggregation. And thanks for reading musicpulsestudios, if you like it, tell a friend.