Three Music Thingz with Revival Season

Hey hey hey, it's another rendition of Three Music Thingz, the blogseries where I ask musicians for three thingz that are essential to their music-making.
Today we're featuring Revival Season, an Atlanta-based rapper-producer duo (Brandon ‘BEZ’ Evans on the mic, Jonah Swilley [also of Mattiel] programming the beats) who put out an excellent debut album called Golden Age Of Self Snitching in February of this year.

I'm obsessed with this album. The music sometimes has a hard-edged UK rave sensibility, and sometimes leans more toward classic nod-yr-head hip hop; my favorites are "Last Dance," whose snappy guitar part sounds like old Bloc Party to me, and the sensational opener "Look Out Below," which has a dreamy extended intro that stomps itself into a moshworthy rager, with BEZ hammering home his instructions relentlessly: "Look out below, look out below / We pouring it out for the dead homies from the top floor, look out below."
I also saw Revival Season play at Zebulon a few months ago and had a blast. They were high energy, laser-focused. Wrote about that shit a little bit for a different blog post about my ENERGY IN / ENERGY OUT concert theory.

Jonah Swilley provided some simple and essential Thingz for the feature today...get into it...
- Drums.
Rhythm runs my life. - Hooks.
The most memorable part(s) of music. - Spirit.
It’s the unique element in music that can’t be quantified by any skill or talent.
Thank u Revival Season! Listen to Golden Age of Self Snitching, it is seriously so good, and check out their link aggregation. And thanks for reading musicpulsestudios, if you like it, tell a friend.